Ligamine, Solicitors And Consultants


Patents are granted for inventions and are generally intended to cover products or process that possess or contain new functional or technical aspect…

Review the list of what can and cannot be patented and determine if your invention falls into one of those categories…

A patent owner has the right to decide who may – or may not – use the patented invention for the period in which the invention is protected…

While filing a patent for your invention, there are several critical aspects to be followed especially in drafting the claims, which define the scope of the invention…

Patent enforcement is a complicated and potentially expensive and lengthy process…


A patent for an invention is granted by the government to the applicant, giving the applicant the right for a limited period to stop others from making, sing or selling the invention without the permission of the applicant. Patents are territorial rights ; a India patent will only give the holder rights within the India and rights to stop others from importing the patented products into the India.

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